Micaela Bueno

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Godly Stewardship as a Global Citizen

When we hear the word stewardship we often think of money and perhaps even time. But have you ever thought of the word stewardship also in terms of your talents, gifts and passions? This question is especially important when we think about all the great need in the world and the great tug at our hearts to be of service to those experiencing pain and suffering. We want to help...so we go, we do, we act. We feel the urgency and so want to move. However, it is useful to bear in mind Christ's admonition, "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

I believe this never rang so true as when talking about how to help those in need in the Majority World. And if you’ve had these same concerns and yet yearn to serve internationally, the following three steps might be helpful as you navigate your journey.

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3 Ways to Live Life as an Act of Worship

Worship is more than song. It's more than verbal expressions. Worship is a way of life that both acknowledges and honors God's presence. Living a life that centers on worship, while taking us in any number of directions, will require both sacrifice and celebration. When I think about living my life as an act of worship, I identify three steps.

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Eight Amazing Facts About El Salvador

El Salvador is adjacent to Honduras, Guatemala and the Pacific Ocean. El Salvador is a country full of hardship as well as opportunity. Battered by wars, earthquakes, and ongoing violence, the people of El Salvador struggle to break the cycle of poverty. There may be many things you don’t know about the little country in Central America.

1) El Salvador is known as the “Land of the Volcanoes” because there are twenty volcanoes in the country. Two out of the twenty volcanoes are currently active.

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