As the breeze gets cooler, the nights get longer, and the difficult year of 2020 comes to an end, I am reminded of how hardship can sometimes bring out the worst in us. But it can also bring out the best in us and make us more beautiful and connected. No doubt, we have endured a tough year collectively and individually and on top of things, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and stress amidst the Holidays.
Burger King and beans. That these bookended the life that my family and I shared with others while living in El Salvador may prompt you to think that this post is about the gastronomical changes we experienced while living abroad. To be sure, our eating habits were altered a bit. But this is not a culinary tale. Rather, it is a story about the transformative and lasting impacts of hospitality.
You + Enlace = <3: Q & A with Joel Kelderman, Real Estate Investor and ENLACE Board Member

Meet Joel Kelderman. He is a real estate investor and ENLACE Board Member. Read on to learn how Joel began to work with ENLACE and why he values its work of transformation in the world.
Bringing People Together for a Change: How You Can Catalyze Your Peers for Good

It was crazy that just one talk with Mark Haugen would change everything.
Mark Haugen is the Head of Development at ENLACE, and when he mentioned to my mother and me about running a half marathon in October of 2019 to raise money for poor communities in Central America, everyone thought it would be crazy for us to run. But Mark didn't. Mark believed that the race wasn't just about running. It was about the change and difference we would make for communities in need.
Bursting Your Own Bubble: How to Expand Your Worldview to Live a More Compassionate Life

"God will not be in the place that is the most comfortable or
formal, but rather with the most marginalized and forgotten.
There you will find God." -Packard Rozzi
Why So Grumpy?: When Disaster Relief Meets Comic Relief

One of the coolest things about working in community development for over 25 years is that you get to see and experience moments in which the world truly acts like a global community.
Back in early 1993, as the idea of ENLACE was just taking shape, we knew we wanted a logo that reflected our values.