Chronic Neglect: The Water Crisis in El Salvador

Below is a six-minute version of a documentary by Rose Anderson found on about the water situation in El Salvador. The site has this to say:

While there is no shortage of water in El Salvador, almost 60% of the rural population has no access to a reliable water source, forcing women and girls to walk long distances and pay high prices to obtain water of dubious quality. In cities, water is almost never lacking in wealthy neighborhoods where pools are common, while in poor areas where water is available only a few hours a day or during the night, the price can reach 10% of a household's income.

The communities where ENLACE works are certainly not immune to these problems. In communities like Las Delicias on average residents pay 30% of their income to buy dirty water from water trucks during the six-month dry season. However, great strides are being made to bring clean water to the nearly 10,000 residents in the area ( 

Since 1993, ENLACE has already helped local churches and communities implement five water projects benefitting nearly 15,000 people. 

Just $50/month for 10 months or a gift of $500 will bring water to one household for generations to come. Donate now to project milagro and be part of the miracle!