God’s love is contagious, and in the region of Abelines, it’s spreading like wild fire! We are often asked how pastors in El Salvador hear about ENLACE, what promotional materials we use, or how we advertise our services. The answer is that replication is inherent in our work because the churches that serve their communities have a passion for service; and change is contagious.
New churches become interesteNelson Paz, pastor of Gethsemane Church in Pajigua. d in partnering with ENLACE through people like Nelson Paz Membreño who experienced a significant change in his own life and community that motivated him to take a leadership role in promoting the integral mission to others. Nelson was a founding member of the health committee in Abelines, and has also held leadership positions on the water board, the housing committee, and has been the secretary of his community association.
When Nelson recognized that the work in Abelines was causing a significant impact on the community, he eagerly sought to replicate this holistic mission in the church where he grew up, the Gethsemane of Apostles and Prophets Church in Pajigua. According to Julio Figueroa, ENLACE church coach for the region, "Nelson is the ideal person that God had been saving for this moment. He is intelligent and a visionary, and the church was looking for someone like him to lead them."
As a result of his efforts, ENLACE began partnering with the Gethsemane church in 2008, and has since provided a church coach to train community and church leaders, in addition to supporting church and community projects, such as 44 home gardens and the construction of 90 latrines that benefit 100 families. According to Nelson, “The work of the Church together with its community is the best thing we can do because everything has to begin with friendship, and through friendships we get to know those who don’t know God.”
Since his return to the Gesthemane chNelson with church leader, Rosita and ENLACE staff, Isidro. urch, Nelson has started a degree program in Pastoral Studies at the Bible Institute of San Miguel, and was recently asked to lead the church during a time of pastoral transition. He is excited to see how this opportunity will strengthen his faith and leadership abilities, as well as strengthen the church’s presence in the community. Just as the transformation in Abelines served as a catalyst for change in Pajigua, we are certain that Nelson’s congregation will soon serve as an inspiration to others who are striving to share God’s love and mercy in their own communities.