God’s Presence in Our Present: Be a part of Global Poverty Prayer Week!

A prayerful life is one that seeks God’s presence daily, one that takes Jesus’ words seriously that we should “ask,” “seek,” “knock.” It’s rather amazing that God gives us this possibility—to be in His presence just by seeking Him, revealing to us His will and then not only hearing our requests but honoring them, as well.


I’m constantly surprised that the act of bowing my head, or raising my hands, or falling on my knees before God opens up the possibility that God might visit me, might be present in my own present, and is actively awaiting my requests.


If God has shown us anything here at ENLACE, it has been the importance of prayer. Over the years, ENLACE has grown from a small ragtag group to a slightly bigger, more organized ragtag group. We are currently helping 23 rural Salvadoran churches reach out to tens of thousands of people. Yet every day we become more and more aware that without God’s presence going before us, nothing is worth the effort.


We know God desires wholeness for those around us struggling daily for water, bread, peace, and yet He asks us to pray for change. God must be present in our present in order for meaningful change to happen.


Join us at ENLACE as we join thousands of others around the world in the Global Poverty Prayer Week 2009 hosted by Tearfund International from February 23 through March1. Join us as we seek God together to end the ravages of poverty in our world.


To find out more about this powerful week, watch this video.

You can also post your prayer to end poverty on the global prayermap.


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened. (Matthew 7.7-8)