ENLACE volunteer Michelle Zuniga translating for Pastor Mauricio during the ending ceremony of Vineyard's mission tripGod is doing great things in San Jacinto. Things we would have never imagined. In the past, our church wasn’t reaching out and serving in our community. It wasn’t until we started working with ENLACE that we learned how God cares for this community.
Starting to serve your community is like jumping into water. You can’t tell others what it’s like until you’ve jumped in yourself. Until you yourself have tested the water, you don’t know what it’s like. Is it hot or cold? And you can’t invite others to join you unless you yourself get wet.
Now we are more effective and have gained momentum. Serving our community with you didn’t feel like work but a privilege. We are excited, renewed, and have a new vision of God’s heart for our community. God has much more work in store for us.
Please continue to pray for us because God has a lot more work for us to do. We will send you a picture of when these bricks that you have spent time to build into a house become a finished home.
Thank you for the blessing you have been to us. Thank you for caring for us. God bless you.
Pastor Mauricio Alvarado's Address to the Vineyard Christian Church
Posted on
July 05, 2011 by David McGee