Dozens of people were forced to leave their homes in San Miguel this week. Photo courtesy of El Diario de HoyEl Salvador is being drenched by Tropical Storm Agatha which has dumped more than 16 inches of rain on the country in the past few days. The government has declared a state of emergency throughout the country with at least nine people dead and more than eight thousands forced from their homes. Thousands of Salvadorans suffer loss of property and life due to lack of adequate infrastructure to protect them from the six months of torrential storms experienced each year.
ENLACE works with local churches who identify opportunities to help reduce the effect of these vicious storms by building stable homes, retaining walls to prevent erosion and landslides as well as bridges to cross potentially life threatening streams that overflow during storms like Agatha.
Crossing one of the previous bridges built in the Abelines regionIn Abelines multiple footbridges have been built offering safe passage for community members during times like these. Due to the great success of the previous bridge projects, church and community members have identified the need for an additional foot bridge in Abelines which has a population of about 4,086 people. The bridge will be located on the main road that leads from Abelines to the neighboring community of El Carbon. It will span a stream that grows dangerously high and rapid during storms like Agatha cutting off thousands of inhabitants from access to the local school, the local health clinic and farmers’ crops.
This initiative will cost about $16,600. However, the church and community is contributing about $4,700 ENLACE has committed to raise $11,900 through your support.
This new [bridge] initiative has brought three community associations together to collaborate with the church. This is the first time that they’ve worked so closely together and it has given them a new perspective of what it means to collaborate.
-Julio Figueroa
ENLACE Church Coach
$30 = years of safe passage for ten people in Abelines.
For as little as $30 you can partner with ENLACE, Iglesia Piedra Angular (Cornerstone Church) and the Abelines communities to provide years of safe passage for ten person.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW (Select "Housing and Infrastrucutre Initiatives").