Did you know that you can pair your potty the way you pair your socks? Why yes! Yes, you can!
We've just kicked off the PAIR YOUR POTTYCampaign and we are hoping to raise $20,000 to provide 40 families with life-saving latrines by September 15, 2017.
Want to help? There are 2 ways:
Number 1 (see what we did there?): Donate Now
Number 2 (yep, we did it again): Become a Doodie Director to rally your friends to pair a potty together.
Here are some more numbers and why this campaign really does matter:
- 1.7 million people die each year as a result of diarrhea. Every minute 3 children under the age of 5 die from dirty water
- 40% of the population in semi - rural and rural areas of El Salvador do not have access to latrines at home
- The 2nd leading reason for medical checkups in El Salvador is treatment of parasites borne from fecal-contaminated water
- 9% of a family's household income is saved when latrines are used at home
- 40% decrease of intestinal infections when a latrine is used at home