Crossway Christian Church in AbelinesBetween February 25 and March 3, 14 members of Crossway Christian Church (New Hampshire, USA) joined Getsemaní Church, located in the village of Pajigua in eastern El Salvador, to bring two families new homes and an entire community renewed hope. The group helped build the homes and also participated in the inauguration of the public school’s two new classrooms, which will allow 150 new students to attend school every year. They brought encouragement and food through home visits to single mothers and elderly women. They formed a strong bond with the community. Two more teams from Crossway will return this year to continue supporting the work of the local church in the region.
Crossway Christian Church Brings Blessing: First of Three Mission Teams

Serving with Love and Sacrifice: Meadowbrook Team February 2012

Last week, 20 members from Meadowbrook Community Church in Champaign, IL came to El Salvador, many returning for the seventh time. They worked on two different projects with the Principe de Paz Church in Santa Maria. Eleven team members worked at a health clinic caring for over 600 patients. The remaining nine team members helped dig the foundation for a retaining wall that will prevent erosion and landslides. Throughout the week they worked extremely hard side-by-side with local church and community members to serve the residents of Santa Maria.
The Unlikely Momentum of the Poor, Local Church: ENLACE Featured in La Prensa Grafica

In a January issue of El Salvador's La Prensa Grafica, a daily newspapers with the second-largest circulation of 98,000 during the week and 116,000 on the weekend, ENLACE was featured in it's religion section. The article interviewed Ron Bueno, ENLACE's Executive Director, and highlighted the work that ENLACE has been doing since its beginning in 1993.
On December 1-3, 110 pastors and church leaders joined the ENLACE staff for the Annual Pastors and Leaders Retreat. Leaders with diverse backgrounds and experiences traveled from all over the country to participate. The theme of this year’s retreat was “Renewing Our Communities” and the retreat afforded these pastors, who work tirelessly throughout the year, a chance to be rejuvenated. Pastors took the time to better understand God’s vision for their communities, to form friendships with other churches, and to recommit, with renewed strength of vision, to transforming their communities through serving their neighbors. When all was said and done, they celebrated the culmination of God’s great work in 2011.
Maintain the Momentum in 2012!
Dear Friends and Partners,
November 10th, Nueva Jerusalem Church and the Comecayo community celebrated the long awaited and newly finished pedestrian bridge (or pasarela in Spanish). The bridge allows people to safely cross the Pan-American highway at the intersection of two schools and the church. Given the heavy traffic and high speeds, several accidents and deaths resulted from people trying to cross the street. The collaboration of the local church, local governement, and the schools created new relationships, unity, and transformation in Comecayo.
A Last-Minute Donation Can Help Provide a Lifetime of Food

From Intern to Agricultural Staff: The Story of Everth López

“I’ve always wanted people to succeed, and my desire is to provide the support to make that happen. You have to first educate people so they recognize the resources they have...and ENLACE does this very well.”
Everth López got to know ENLACE as a graduate agricultural techinical intern from the National School of Agriculture (ENA) in El Salvador. During that time, he worked to help families in rural areas with agricultural strategies that created better nutrition and maximized local resources. Once Everth graduated, it was clear to ENLACE that he would be a wonderful addition to the team of Technical Advisors that work with communities on a daily basis.
“At first, people in the communties didn't seem very interested...but as they learned how to plant and harvest vegetables, they became more and more excited and involved.”
Everth has continued his studies and is pursuing a degree in Agribusiness at the José Simeón Cañas University. In the future he would also like to pursue a Masters of Tropical Agriculture in order to be more prepared to help the communities in which he works.
Everth gives weekly workshops in the region of Región de Santa Ana and San José El Naranjo for the participants in the Home Garden Projects. Then he visits everyone's gardens (presently there are 17 in this area) helping them to solve problems and continue to increase yield which helps both the family's nutrition and also provides extra money through the sale of produce.
“When I teach people about how to make organic fertilizer, the price and its uses, the participants get excited and decide what they are going to plant...That makes me very happy. It's satisfying to know that there is an impact on their lives, and they become motivated about what they can do.”
With a growing number of churches in need of creating sustainable and transforming projects like home gardens, the presence of Everth López, his testimony and his motivation all become important elements to ENLACE's success.
The Global Leadership Summit, hosted by the Willow Creek Association, is a two-day leadership conference held throughout the year in countries all over the world. Its mission is ''to transform Christian leaders around the world with an injection of vision, skill development, and inspiration for the sake of the local church.'' The summit has grown to over 75 countries, over 30 languages, and serves more than 100,000 leaders. This year, ENLACE coordianted with the Willow Creek Association to help host the event in El Salvador, one of 18 summits in Central America and Mexico. All of the ENLACE staff attended as well as several of the pastors with whom we partner. Each participant was challenged, inspired, and motivated to become effective leaders in the place God has them.
Continuing His Missionary Call: The Story of Jhony Alfaro, ENLACE Church Coach

“I learned to serve God simply, to use the little resources that exist and to love the work”.
On November 7, 2009, the National Service of Territorial Studies in El Salvador registered over 13 inches of rain in only three hours. 13 inches of rain is about as much rain as the entire state of Missouri receives in six months. It caused the ground to become saturated with water, provoking landslides, flooding rivers, and leaving several areas without any form of communication. One such community was Anemona in San Martin where 176 families lived in a highly vulnerable area surrounded by soft dirt and and deep ravines.
How your donation to home gardens can help feed a family for a lifetime!

Amazing things are happening through home gardens in El Salvador. In 2011, more than 1,200 people increased their income and nutritional intake through home gardens. For 2012, we have more than 3,000 people ready and waiting to start their gardens, but we need your help to make it happen!
Buy a Print, Support Our Work: ENLACE as Featured Charity at

Just in time for Christmas shopping, we are excited to announce that ENLACE is a featured charity at an innovative new site called Give Prints. More than a dozen talented photographers contribute to the site's gallery of artistic photos which can be ordered as prints or on T-shirts. Give Prints donates 50% of each item purcheased to any charity featured on the site.