“ENLACE is the place where I can apply [my passion].” Williams Rodríguez

“I feel like I came to the place I am meant to be." Fabiola Ramírez

When Fabiola Ramírez was just a girl, God planted a seed in heart to be a missionary. But she had no idea how God was going to bring this about. As a young adult, she began to study international relations, thinking she could have a career and serve God abroad. Upon graduating from her studies, Fabiola began to look for a job, expecting God to take her on a grand global adventure. However, as the job hunt continued with no doors opening to her, she began to doubt God’s calling in her life.
Participating in the Redemptive Work of Christ: Profile of Evelin de Galán.

Discovering Their Potential: The Story of Pastor Juan Ramírez and the Casa de Alfarero Church

"God has led me to missions and refined me through this work."

"Gracias" to the Bueno Family
The ENLACE staff in El Salvador surprised the Bueno Family with a video of appreciation during the 20th Anniversary Gala. The Buenos were incredibly moved by this and especially loved the soccer-cheer at the end! Ole!
More Than a New Home: Local Church Brings Safety, Health, and Connection to its Neighbors

Antonia and her children in front of their crumbling adobe house.Antonia and María Trinidad are two hard-working and courageous women living in El Triunfo, El Salvador. Like many other rural women, their lives have not been easy; the long days of working in the sun are etched on their faces. Making ends meet for themselves and their children means farming, cooking, cleaning, gathering wood and hauling water every day.
In rural El Salvador, the lack of income-generating opportunities make it a huge challenge for many men to remain rooted to their locality and to their families. Other challenges such as the lack of education and health care along with poor access to nutritious food sources, create situations of chronic stress and anxiety.They often have to leave their homes to find work in a city or in other countries. Many men, unable to provide for their dependents, leave the family altogether.
Nohemy's entire family used to get sick from the smoke from the open cooking fire they used to cook in their home. With the eco-stove, now their home is a healthy place to gather.
Cooking Up Love: ENLACE Eco-stoves
Cooking with wood on open fires inside their homes has caused illness, deforestation and loss of income in poor communities around the world. A $200 eco-stove is a simple and appropriate technology solution that directly addresses these problems in El Salvador. ENLACE works with local churches, helping to train leaders to serve those of greatest risk and need in their communities. You can help a family breathe easier and live longer by giving to the Cooking Up Love campaign!