A second group from Willow Creek Crystal Lake came to support and encourage Pastor Francisco Mendoza and The Arca de Dios Church in El Ranchador. The team continued the work started by a group of students from their church in March, assisting the community with the construction of a new medical clinic which will serve 5,000 people. They also visited the nearby Compassion International site sharing a Bible story, songs, and other activities. The week was filled with joy and friendship as the transformation continues in El Ranchador.
Healthier Homes in La Bendición: Willow Creek first visit to El Salvador

Take a moment to read our Summer Newsletter 2012 highlighting two young enterprenuers in San Martin, as part of the Community Economic Development Program.
A team from Willow Creek Chicago traveled to rural western El Salvador to serve with Puerta del Cielo Church in El Progreso for the second time. Despite a recent transition in leadership, Pastor Orlando Majano has only been there two months, the relationship between the churches remained strong. The team helped repair the main road in the community and brought great joy to the people of El Progreso
The Gateway Church is a vibrant young church in downtown Des Moines Iowa that is dedicated to "join God in the renewal of all things." As part of living out this mission in Des Moines the church committed to join in the renewal of the San Martin region of El Salvador through a church partnership with ENLACE.
New Life Church from Exeter, California joined Principe de Paz Church in Santa María during the last week of June bringing change, hope and transformation to the community. On their fifth visit, 11 members from New Life Church worked alongside the church and community to build a mitigation wall. Their hard work, passion, and dedication to serve the local church with their talents and abilities has brought new life to the community and a safer neighborhood.
Vineyard Christian Church 2012: Hope and New Life for San Jacinto

Vineyard Christian Church from Pataskala, Ohio has worked alongside Zurisadai Church in San Jacinto since 2006. During during their fifth visit to the region, they supported the work of the church in its effort to give shelter to one of the most vulnerable families identified by the church and community. Through this housing project, the church has further strengthened relationships with the community and also ties of friendship with the Vineyard Church who collaborated in the building of a home for Rosa Estrada, her daughter and six grandchildren. During her six days working with the community in San Jacinto, Vineyard Church members also directed activities for the church, men and children, and visited eight homes to those in need of food and prayer.
Celebrating with Ali Hunt: A Journey from the Mountains of Abelines to a Medical Doctor

Ali's (left) warm heart and solidarity were an inspiration to many people like Gloria (right) from AbelinesIn 2004 ENLACE was delighted to welcome Ali Yarosevich, now Ali Hunt, as a volunteer. Due to her incredible willingness, simplicity and humility, we had the opportunity to walk with her as God transformed her heart and life. We are now blessed to celebrate how God has honored and moved her life forward to other transformational places.
Until recently, Maria Francisca Santos (63), lived in a tiny mud dwelling with her two daughters and their children. One of her daughters, Ana Julia (40), is extremely sick and cannot walk. After having to undergo hernia surgery, Maria was unable to continue running a soap business that brought her $25 per month, let alone address the problems associated with a dilapidated home. As a result, Maria began to cultivate corn and beans just to provide basic sustenance for herself and her family.
All her life, Teodolinda Santos (42) has wanted to love, serve and enjoy her life with her family. At one point, she had eight children, a husband, and brothers and sisters. The dream collapsed after her husband left her and one child died. She was forced to live off the begrudging charity of a brother, who allowed her to live in a small shack on his land. Her sadness was compounded when one of her daughters left home and chose not to return.
On May 24 Getsemani Church in Pajigua, the community and its leaders held a dedication for 25 homes that were built over a six-month period. The project not only provided safe and secure homes for 136 people, but also provided an opportunity for the church and community to collaborate and to bear witness the movement of God in Pajigua.
Give Prints is a for-profit company which donates 50% of its profits to various non-profits. Recently, when Give Prints founder, Cristina Robeck wanted to make an even greater impact, she decided to share talent not just profits. She assembled a team, called Give Media, which consisted of two photographers, two videographers, a media consultant, and a writer. They traveled to El Salvador to artistically capture ENLACE’s work and support the ENLACE Communications Department. We are grateful for the team’s passion, dedication, willingness to share their knowledge, and the way God spoke into their lives during their time in El Salvador.
Broadway Christian Church, from Columbia, Missouri, continued “Caminando Juntos” (walking together) with the Tabernaculo Biblico Salem Church in El Espino. The team shared friendship and laughter with the church and community as they built a new home and visited families with special needs. The team also had the opportunity to help with the home garden project in a neighboring community. These churches share a special relationship that continues to deepen each time Broadway visits.
“We Have No Other Family But Our Family in God.”: Chunguita and Daysi Granados

Sixty-year-old Maria de Jesus Granados (called Chunguita) and her 54 year-old sister Daysi lived in a house they inherited from their father. In 2005 the old house was all but destroyed by the heavy rains accompanying Hurricane Mitch. Both sisters suffer from rheumatism but Daysi’s hands and legs have become deformed making it difficult for her to carry out daily tasks. Members from the local church often provide food and money for the sisters. In this way, between illness and poverty, they lived day after day by the mercy of God.